Wild Safari Valentines

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Wild Safari Valentines

from $6.00

Last day to order PRINTED valentines is Monday, February 6th to ensure delivery before the 14th. 

Go WILD over these fun valentines! Perfect to hand out with animal crackers. Choose from the print it yourself 'PRINTABLE' option or 'PRINTED' to have them professionally printed and shipped to you! Add on a photo for FREE to the back to make these cards even more special. Please note there is an additional fee to have photo printed.

Need it NOW? Choose our instant download version

Card Options:
Add To Cart


• Digital or Printed 2.5" x 3.5" Valentines - Choose within the options menu
• Option to add photo to the back (additional to have printed)
• Valentines that are personalized with your child's name
• Envelopes included with printed orders only


Choose from the following:

► P R I N T A B L E • V A L E N T I N E S 

Includes the printable file of the cards only. You will receive a high resolution PDF file to print yourself or have professionally printed. Prints 8 to a (8.5" x 11") page. Print up as many as you need! If choosing to add a photo onto the back, simply print the first page, flip, and then print the second page. 

► P R I N T E D • V A L E N T I N E S

See the CARD OPTIONS menu for quantity and pricing. Option to have them printed 1 Sided (no photo) or 2 Sided to include a photo on the back. Professionally printed on 110# cardstock. Includes envelopes. Cards ship out within 2 business days of order and are shipped first class. 


► S T E P • O N E
Add to cart. During checkout you will be promted to include:
• Name
• Option to add photo

► S T E P • T W O
Receive high resolution print ready files within 1-2 business days. Printed orders will ship FREE via USPS First Class within 2 business days. Shipping takes 1-5 business days to arrive. 

► S T E P • T H R E E
CELEBRATE! {and tag us @NestlingDesign - we love to see what you do with our party items!}. 



If choosing to print them yourself, I recommend printing on WHITE card stock.

Valentines fit in mini envelopes like these

You will need Adobe Reader to open up the PDF file, which is a free download at adobe.com.